I would follow your gaunt silhouette
Against a static backdrop
of black
And white frames impeccable
Labyrinth, antique
With Daedalus wings constructed
out of wire hangers, crisp altar
boy haircut hoping
you would fall in love
Hoping you would notice
The subtle idiosyncratic pinch
My fingers slicing the gap
Between your palms
Shuffling through polaroid’s
naked high school
football players
posing after you
bought them beer.
If you were my gay father and I,
Your lesbian heir I would
Bathe naked with you in Beech Creek
Forming a geodesic alphabet with
The neck of my limbs,
a public free swim
chlorine nipples buoyed
groomed musk of your neck
wanting you to breath me
into the ocean
with the laconic
tic of your tongue.
If you were my gay father
I would pin barrette’s in your
scalp, read you Kate Millet
As you rotisseried in the sun
Polish the bulb on
every closet door
With scepters of Joy, whistle
Bicentennial chorus, boys
With the packages resembling
three-cornered hats, boutonnière
neon shingles illuminating overhead.
If you were my gay father
And I your lesbian heir
I would lie supine, listless in
The Mortuary you inhabited from your mother
Allow you to dissect my flesh
Incise my lower abdomen with
Grade school scissors, Elmers glue
Grope my organs with latex
dactyls, all
in the Sisyphus of your wrists.
If you were my gay father
And I, your brazenly lesbian heir
I would voluntarily
Walk with you
Into the flush of afternoon traffic
A Beam of sun, a high-
Pitched shriek, the velocity
Taste of chrome kissed
Planting myself over your grave
My heart, a concrete phallus
Odalisque the chimney
To a fun home
We never found.
--Inspired by the tragicomic graphic novel FUN HOME by Alison Bechedel
--written for Barbara Antoniazzi w. hugs...
As a year long literary project every Friday in 2014 I will post a new poem based off a word, krazy phrase, ekphrastic connotation (ect). by a wayward yet pithy reader...today's inaugral entry is entitled IF YOU WERE MY GAY FATHER AND I, YOUR BRAZENLY LESBIAN HEIR is influenced by Barbara Antoniazzi..she is a sexy Italian no-non shit liteary scholar who teaches college kids in a very Virginia Woolf Orlandoesque castle in Germany. She is also a photographer, a mother, post-modern diletantte, a author and (above all) a friend....Barbara you found me....yer friendship is a blessing..here is your poem and (thank you) for being the inaugral victim.... and WE ARE IN THIS T'GETHER!!!!!!